Friday, April 11, 2014

We've Been Liebsted! The Liebster Award

I've won! Can you believe it? I won a major award! It's frah-gee-lay....that must be Italian!

No but really....I am so, so honored to announce Maurissa over at Maurissa Sees Beauty has nominated me to receive the Leibster Award, an award given among the blogging community as a sign of reader appreciation and blogging support.

Maurissa, this whole thing has absolutely made my week! !! I've been waiting for days to post about this and am so thankful and excited to pay it forward! :) Thank you so much for caring enough to read and nominate really means the world to me! :)

Now the rules for this award are pretty simple:

  • Thank the amazing blogger that nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominator provided
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers It's Jen Time (say it like "it's hammer time")
  • Post 11 different questions for your nominees to answer
  • Contact your nominees to let them know that you've nominated them

Here's my answers to Maurissa's 11 awesome questions for me:

1. Why did you start blogging?
I needed a creative outlet to accompany my freelance commercial writing business. I love helping others through my business but my true passion is to write from life. 

2. Favorite beauty product?
Honey. I smear it all over my face! Golden, sticky, 'Merican, bee-butt medicine of love.

3. Who was the last person you said I love you to?
Aaron - he made me dinner and cleaned up so I could start my blog early. 

4. Dogs or cats?
Eh. Different animals are good for different things. I tend to take a practical approach to animals. They protect, they mouse, they provide eggs...those kinds of things. I am not a "my animal is my child" person at all - although I love quite a few people who are :) Keep on keepin' on animal lovers! Power to the paw!

5. What is the color you wear most often?
Black and blue. Cuz Ima baller.

6. The last book you read. Was it any good?
Honestly, I cannot tell you the last time I actually sat down with a good, smelly book and read it. It's not for lack of's lack of time. I am kinda pulled in four different ways 24/7. Reading is awesome and I hope to someday find the opportunity to do it again! :)

7. Tastiest vegetable?
Uhhh..........cucumbers? Do they count? I'm not a huge veggie person, no matter how hard I try. Matter of fact, I have to blend my veggies up into a cup so I eat enough of them to stay healthy. I like fruit and dairy. Cheese, mostly. And wine. Ok so mostly just wine. 

8. What is the TV show you watch most often?
I love The Middle and Modern Family. I don't have TV service so I use this antenna thing to try and catch channels from the sky. On the left side of the living room is ABC and on the right side of the living room is UPN :) HA

9. Favorite summer activity?
I really like planting and watering things. There's a sense of accomplishment when you water a freshly-planted flower or vegetable. Is that a summer activity? I think it should count. It counts.

10. The name of your first pet?
Missy, my mama's mutt. She always growled at me when I went near her food bowl - a real bitch!

11. What inspires you?
Life. I love watching people freak out, then fix it, then freak out again, then fix it's always this fluid, cyclic roller coaster ride. I write from my heart and from a place of pure transparency....the more messed up life gets, the easier it is for me to generate material. So please! Ruin my day! It might become a blog post. 

Here's a list of 11 bloggers I enjoy visiting regularly....I love reading their stuff and I think you will too! I broke the rules with this one a little because who really knows how many followers each person has?? Facebook followers? Google+ followers? What are the benchmarks here, people? I say f-that noise, I'm just going to showcase some kickass bloggers. Rebel!

Here they are...and because they are all #1 in my book.....well....they're all #1 in my list too....

My 11 questions to the lovely, lucky bloggers above:

1. How do you develop blog content?

2. What's your favorite picture-taking device?

3. Drink of choice?

4. Do you blog for business or pleasure?

5. Would you rather be without eyelashes or eyebrows?

6. Least favorite thing about being in a public place?

7. Would you rather write or read?

8. Favorite place to blog?

9. Most insane thing you've ever eaten?...(keep it classy, San Diego)

10. Do you want to build a snowman?

11. Most influential mentor/writer/stranger?

So excited to add this badd boy Leibster image to my blog and hope you guys get the chance to stop by and visit a few of my favorite fellow bloggers. It's worth it, I promise!

Have a wonderful night, dear readers, and as always, thank you so much for reading :)