How old is your firstborn daughter?
She will be six in a few weeks. she'll be six when the baby is born?
Uh, yep. Yep she'll be six.
Oh no. Oh no no no. My girls are six years apart. It's awful. They do not get along. Your kids are not going to get along. Not at all. It will be bad.
Well, not much I can do about it now, eh? But thanks!
I've had people comment about my weight, telling me I was carrying all the way around, comparing me to a duck when I walked. Hahahaha well, a very round duck! HAHAHAHAHAHA! .........yes, soooooo funny! I'm a big round duck! That is hysterical!
I've had people ask me if I'm going to quit working and do what's best for the kids...and then had people ask me if I'm going to keep working and set the best example for my daughters.
When I was a week past my due date I had people stop me in the hallway and exclaim "OH my GOSH are you STILL here!?" I swear it was like nobody wanted to see me. What gives.
Then the advice. The nonstop, constant advice...
Oh you need to eat, eat, eat! Eat more! Eat this! Eat my lunch! Here, eat this pie I made! Have my leftover meatloaf! You've really filled out but that baby is hungry! EAT!
Don't drive yourself to work anymore.
You are way too big to deliver naturally. You should tell your doctor you want a cesarean.
You're going to breastfeed, right? Is your boss going to let you breastfeed? Pumping is so hard.
You are looking really swollen. You should drink more water.
That baby moves around a lot. Good luck - that means she's hyperactive.
Have you considered any names? I wouldn't name her anything that could get her bullied.
I bet you're not sleeping at night. Have you tried going to bed early?
And then the horror stories....
I remember being so sick all the time. It was terrible. Have a great day!
I was in labor for seven days.
I tried to deliver naturally but the baby started to lose oxygen so I was immediately wheeled into the OR and they had to perform an emergency cesarean. So weird, I was in the best scenario to deliver naturally. Ah, well. Some things just don't work out! Good luck! I'm sure you'll be just fine!
The epidural they gave me still gives me back problems.
It was a boy, not a girl! Joke was on me! My poor son had to wear pink for months! HAHAHAHAHA!
When I had my second I needed 80 stitches.
My cousin's daughter gave birth right in her office. I mean it. She was sitting at her desk and then there was no time to get her to the hospital. OOOOO maybe that will happen to you! We could have an office baby!
These people meant no harm. They were just trying to be nice......I think? Heck, we've all done it. I've done it. I've talked to a pregnant lady about my own experience, wanting to share what I've learned, wanting to spread the knowledge.
Not cool.
You never know how your words are going to affect someone. You never truly understand how deeply a person internalizes what you say. The safest bet, especially with a pregnant lady, is to just smile. Don't say a word.
Don't talk to pregnant women.
Just let them be. Smile at them, answer them if they approach you with questions, but otherwise, be silent.....
....because who knows, perhaps that advice you thought about sharing isn't all that accurate....
Perhaps the thing you believe to be true isn't true at all.
Anyone else have any pregnant stories to share? Have you said something to a pregnant lady and wished you could take it back? Have you been pregnant and had someone say something that's stuck with you for far too long? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.
Thank you so much for reading, lovey readers :)